Each area of the body has its own unique healing period and process. Oral and oral/facial piercings tend to heal fastest, while others tend to heal a bit slower. Also, every individual body heals and reacts to piercings in an individualized manner. A general guideline for approximate healing times is as follows:
Cheek: 2-3 months
Cartilage: 2 months-1 year
Earlobe: 6-8 weeks
Eyebrow: 6-8 weeks
Genitals: 4 weeks-6 months
Labret: 6-8 weeks
Lip: 6-8 weeks
Navel: 6 months-over 1 year
Nipple: 2-6 months
Nostril: 2 months-1 year
Septum: 6-8 weeks
Tongue: 4-6 weeks
Cheek: 2-3 months
Cartilage: 2 months-1 year
Earlobe: 6-8 weeks
Eyebrow: 6-8 weeks
Genitals: 4 weeks-6 months
Labret: 6-8 weeks
Lip: 6-8 weeks
Navel: 6 months-over 1 year
Nipple: 2-6 months
Nostril: 2 months-1 year
Septum: 6-8 weeks
Tongue: 4-6 weeks
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